What's in the app?
Culture Programs
Healing grounded in culture
Elder Teachings
Preserving culture
Daily check-ins
A space to reflect on personal well-being
Wellness resources
Culturally safe resources
Language Lessons
Introducing ʔəms nəm
Our teachings. Our languages. Our stories.
Our intention
ʔəms nəm is a digital gathering space for the people of Tla’amin. It is a confidential and safe place to connect with ancient teachings, learn from elders and knowledge keepers, and up-lift the Tla’amin way of being.
One of our core values is working directly with the community to build an app that brings healing in the ways they find meaningful.
ʔəms nəm features programs led by Tla'amin nation members
Culture Programs
Healing grounded in culture
Community Collaborators
Elders guide the creation of the app and advise on what should be included
Doreen Hopkins
Elders Coordinator
Language Lessons
Elder Teachings
Preserving culture
Daily check-ins
A space to reflect on personal well-being
Wellness resources
Culturally safe resources
Tla'amin community members creating and recording the teachings
Our initiatives are designed to meet the expressed needs and goals of the community
Tarra Tipton
Manager of K-12 Education
Jessica Johnson
District Principal of Indigenous Education
Drew Blaney
Culture & Heritage Manager
Rhys Poole
Willow Dunlop
K-12 Sexual Health Educator
Sophie Call
Director of Education
Courtney Harrop
Harm Reduction Coordinator
Future Plans
Discover the exciting features ahead.
Customizing the app with Tla'amin branding and a name in ʔayʔaǰuθəm
Launching elders teaching programs
Swag and prizes for monthly challenges
Some families may have different teachings, stories or ways to conduct spiritual, ceremonial and cultural ways.
We are striving to capture as many stories and perspectives as we can. If you would like to share your story or teaching of how you have been taught, please reach out to us at montana@checkingin.co and we can work together to show your ways.
Want to build an app for your community?
© 2024 CheckingIn Software Ltd.
Davis Mckenzie
Director of Communications
Where the people of Tla'amin grow together
Swag and prizes for monthly challenges
Doreen Point
Marlane Paul
Health Director