Studies show, people are up to 12% more productive when their mental health is strong. 

Show your team you care 

Why join the program?

Your team is much more likely to remain in their current position if they are working in a healthy, enjoyable, work environment. 

By learning to manage your teams mental health, you will show your team they are more than simply a means to an end, they are part of a community.

Increase productivity

Increase longevity and reduce turnover

How it works?

What will I learn?

Become a Checkingin enterprise client.

Attend the live session via zoom. 

Complete our manager mental health guide.

Want to learn more?

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To spot signs of poor mental health
There are many ways to spot poor mental health in your team, such as body language, lack of motivation, and lack of productivity 

How to make mental health a consistent priority in the workplace
It is important to be proactive in managing your team's mental health. Check-in before the situation becomes out of hand. 

To have deeper conversations with your team members 
Having conversations about mental health with your team can feel intimidating. This live session will help answer questions such as "Am I overstepping?"

Book a 15 minute call

 Next session is March 28th at 9AM PST

Meet your Speaker

Jordan Friesen is the founder and president of Mindset Mental Health Strategy 

He has dedicated his life's work to building mental health strategies for companies that want to increase longevity and create a more compassionate workforce. He now spearheads a variety of initiatives focused on workplace mental health. 

In addition to consulting, Jordan holds a master's degree in occupational therapy, and is an experienced mentor and public speaker!

Workshop Themes

Part 1

Do you feel uncomfortable addressing mental health concerns with your employees?

 This workshop will empower managers to recognize and respond to signs of poor mental health in their employees, providing them with the tools to initiate compassionate and supportive conversations. By understanding the impact of mental health on employee well-being and performance, and learning best practices for initiating conversations about mental health, managers can create a safe space for employees to share their struggles and seek support.

Part 2

Do you have a team member who has taken mental health leave? 

 In this workshop, managers will learn about legal requirements for accommodation and how to develop effective accommodations for employees who disclose a mental health condition at work. They will also learn best practices to support an effective return to work for employees who have been away.

Part 3

Leaders at all levels play a critical role in creating a psychologically safe and mentally healthy work environment for their teams. But the skills required to do this often remain a mystery. 

In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of psychological safety, how this supports employee well-being and practical strategies they can use to create safety within your team.

Manager Mental Health Training

Empowering managers to lead with confidence, compassion, and resilience

Are you an HR leader seeking a comprehensive Mental Health Training program for your managers?

Join us for a free trial!